Welcome to the Fall 2021 Computational Genomics Series (CGS) organized by the Netgene CoLab. CGS uses a peer-to-peer collective learning approach to make genomic research accessible to all medical students. We teach each other. Some of us have worked in sequencing labs, others have biostatistics backgrounds, and others have no prior experience either with coding or with sequencing. The purpose of this series is to introduce those with no computational genomics background to the basic tools they need to start incorporating genomics into their own research.

The series consists of interactive, hands-on introduction to a select number of standard genomic analysis methods and pipelines. In all our sessions, we use Galaxy, "an open web-based platform f0r accessible, reproducible, and transparent computational research." You can learn more about Galaxy form the Galaxy Community Hub.

CGS Topics:

Intro to R and Bioinformatics

Survival Modeling, Machine Learning, and Accessing TCGA Data

Survival Analysis, Machine Learning Models, and Accessing TCGA Data – Coming Jan 9th

Future topics:

Microbiome Metagenomics

We will update the information on this page as the workshops are scheduled. After the workshop, we will also upload any slides, code, links to data, etc, used in the workshop.

CGS is organized by Jack Goodman and Marcus Alexander. If you have any questions, please email jack dot goodman at quinnipiac at edu.