The Generations Project: Genomic and precision medicine that you can participate in

The Generations Project: Genomic and precision medicine that you can participate in

Join Netgene for another installment of our Genetics Seminar series! We welcome Dr. Michael Murray from the Yale Center for Genomic Health. Dr. Murray will talk about Yale's Generations Project, whose goal is to sequence the exomes of at least 100,000 volunteers across Connecticut.

The Generations Project: Genomic and precision medicine that you can participate in

Michael Murray, MD, FACMG, FACP
Professor of Genetics, and
Director of the Yale Center for Genomic Health,
Yale School of Medicine

Thursday, March 4, 12-1pm
Zoom ID: 958 2889 6885

About the Speaker:
Michael F. Murray, MD, Professor of Genetics at Yale School of Medicine is clinical director of the Yale Center for Genomic Health. He directs the “Generations Project” which is currently enrolling over 100,000 volunteers from diverse backgrounds for comprehensive genetic analysis. The goal of this project is to learn more about human health and disease by linking genomic and electronic health record data for research. Once fully established, this rich database of information, which will be anonymized, will be available to researchers who can analyze associations between the medical history and the results of genetic analysis. In addition, when genetic findings indicate a high risk for certain disorders for which presymptomatic detection has a medical benefit, the study team will return this information to study participants and their physicians.